Turn your Basics Collection into a harem pants!
This is a super quick and easy pattern hack for you that you can apply to your Baby Basics or your Original Basics Collection. It’s also perfectly timed as we get ready to head into the cooler Autumn and Winter months. Adding some elastic to the hem of the long pants is a great way to keep wee babes comfy and steady as they go about their busy days learning to crawl and walk and harem pants look great on kiddos of all ages.
First, sew your long pants following the instructions, but when we’re sewing the hems on the pants, we’re going to leave a 5cm (2″) gap over the inner leg seam open, making sure to back stitch at the start and finish to hold the stitching closed.
Next, use the elastic cut guides (at the bottom of this post) and cut your elastic.
We’re going to use the same method as the waist bands, so attach one end of the elastic to a small safety pin.
Now thread your elastic through the hem casing and zig zag stitch the elastic ends together, ensuring they’re not twisted.
Finally, finish sewing the hems closed.
That’s it, you’re done!
A quick and easy way to sew harem pants using a pattern you already own!
Why not come share your finished harem pants over on Instagram and tag them with #babybasics or #heytherethreads so we can see!
Where can I get the actual pattern for these pants?
Hi Sue,
The pattern for these pants is the Basics Collection, you can find it here: http://www.heytherethreads.com/product/basics-collection/
Such a simple but great little mod to create a different look to the pants. I love that you make allowances for a cloth nappy option! So few patterns do this, so thank you kindly! Harem pants are now next on my to make list 🙂
It really is, hey Louise! Simple is my favourite. I love this pattern for how easy it is to change it up. Happy sewing!
What fabric is this? I love it
I need someone to look at my sewing machine because I think something is wrong with the area where the fabric tries and , not succeeds, to have the fabric feed it self into the machine. I have two Granddaughters one who is 6 3/4 years old. My other Granddaughter will be one in July, last but not least I need a very smart and have a lot of patience because I’m a newbie. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me